Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ideal Body Weight
What is your ideal body weight? No, it is not the weight where you look the skinniest or the lowest weight you were able to reach in high school. A healthy body weight is defined as the weight associated with health, longevity, and the lowest risk of death. It is what number you see on the scale where you feel your best, you are free of disease, and you can perform activities of daily living. When I learned this in one of my nutrition classes, I was taken aback because it was like the light from heaven shining down. All my life I thought I cared about my body weight so I could look the way I wanted to. Now after getting hit upside the head with accurate information, I feel grounded. The sole purpose of maintaining a healthy weight is to be able to live a long life without health issues, not just to look "good". Although, I must say when you are at a healthy weight, you feel amazing and looking healthy is definitely a plus. Yes, each person is different and we have to accept that as individuals, we are unique. Not everyone has the same goals and desires when it comes to health, but it is a good idea to keep track of your weight as a basic measure. The formula most clinicians use to determine an ideal body weight is the Hamwi Equation:
  • Men: 106 lbs for the first 5 feet of height and an additional 5 lbs for every inch over 5 feet; or 6 lbs subtracted from 106 for each inch under 5 feet.
  • Women: 100 lbs for first 5 feet of height and an additional 5 lbs for every inch over 5 feet; or 5 lbs subtracted from 100 for each inch under 5 feet.
Example: a 5'6" female is 100 lbs + 5lb(6in) = 130 lbs 

However, it is better to think of your ideal body weight as a range because focusing on just one "ideal" number is a bit too strict and slightly above or below an ideal body weight is still considered healthy. Everyone has a different body frame, so a range is a more useful estimate. Take your ideal body weight and add/subtract 10 lbs to get your range. To complete my example, the 5'6" female would have an ideal body weight range of 120 lbs - 140 lbs. Weight is just one measure to determine health, but it is a good starting place. Don't beat yourself up if you are not currently in your ideal range. Some people can still be free of health issue while being outside the ideal body weight range. The best thing you can do is love yourself and remember there is a purpose for being at a weight that is HEALTHY. It may take time and effort, but in the end it is worth every second to live a long fulfilling life. If you cannot be healthy for yourself, do it for the ones who love you; so you can grow old and see your grandchildren have children, so your children won't have to know what it is like to lose a parent at a young age, so your spouse won't have to be lonely for so long, so your daughter will have her mother to teach her what it means to be a great mother, so your daughter can have her father walk her down the isle, so your son can build a lifelong relationship with his father, grandfather, and his great grandfather.  If you do it for the right reasons, no obstacle can get in your way.

Mahan, L. Kathleen., Sylvia Escott-Stump, and Janice L. Raymond. Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process. St. Louis (Miss.): Saunders, 2012. Print.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

An Introduction to A Spoonful Of Health
My number one passion in life is nutrition. I live, breathe, and eat it (pun totally intended). I am so thrilled to share with the world why health is so dear to me. The more knowledge I gain about nutrition, the more I want to spread the word about the importance of living a healthy life. I have created this blog to hopefully make a positive impact on the way you view your health (I realize I am talking to no one in specific here because this is a blog, but just roll with it). Most people seem to blame their poor health on a lack of time or money. Well here is the thing, make time for your health now or you will have to make time for disease or death later on in your life. I know that sounds harsh, but excuses only go so far. As soon as eating right and exercising become a top priority in your life, you will feel so happy to be healthy that anything less than your best will feel like a waste. Whether you feel the need to improve your health or you just simply enjoy learning new health information, I am here to provide you with as much evidenced-based nutrition information as possible. Stay posted for my favorite products, healthy recipes, nutrition tips, and advice to help promote a healthier YOU!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

LOVE what you eat.

Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering. 